Wednesday 19 December 2012

Carrots this Christmas.

Factories are worried that most people's Christmas dinners will be ruined because carrots, one of the main vegetables are not plentiful because of this year's weather.

The carrots have been either frozen, had too much water or not enough fertiliser. So, you may not have a proper Christmas dinner.


  1. You have to write more in your stories, explain things in more detail and research about your topic etc... All these things expand the length and depth of your story. Also, this is a small story and there were still mistakes, you must check through your work once you have finished.

    christmas - Christmas
    vegatables - vegetables
    fertilezer - fertilizer
    plentyful - plentiful

    (Edited by Emily Booker)

  2. Fertiliser was spelt worng, I have changed it!
